Fund and awareness raising

The AHEAD fundraising team took part in a sport and cultural festival in West London. There were various sport activities and cultural displays – clothes, foods and drinks. The AHEAD’s team distributed AHEAD’s DVD, presented many cultural games such as saddeeqaa, qaphee, ja’aa and fe’iisaa hiik. Festival participants enjoyed the games and admired AHEAD’s good cause. A number of people made donation, obtained a copy of AHEAD’s DVD, while others pledge support. They also gave different suggestions on how AHEAD can raise funds and reach out to more supporters. A few people promised to adopt needy young people through AHEAD. The.yor of the local Borough also came to AHEAD’S appreciated the charity’s work.

The AHEAD’s fundraising team

AHEAD’s DVD can be obtained by emailing or ring 0757 079 9157

Some of the cultural games AHEAD presented

The team tried different strategies, assessed them and also divided itself into smaller groups and pairs to do the work efficiently.